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Artist Statement


I am an artist who works within, across and between painting, printmaking, sculpture, moving image, and installation.

In my practice I explore themes of memory, identity, human struggle, and everyday life.

I am most interested in the relationship between art and feeling, and how this is explored through colours, materials and marks. Natural light and gravity are recurrent elements in my works. 

In the process of making I am intuitive and spontaneous. My working attitude is not about exactness or perfection, but rather an approximation that retains certain hope, that anything is yet possible to happen. 

Either if it’s about craftsmanship, domestic life, poetry or human condition, I regard objects as containers of memories, feelings, and experiences. I love challenging their usual contexts, giving them new meanings in my works.


Solo Exhibitions:

Interior Gardens, St. Oswald Church, Durham, Nov 2014

Journey to another home, Café Art at Duncan Macmillan House, Nottingham, Feb- Apr 2011


Selected Group Exhibitions:

 Summer Salon, Islington Art factory, London, June-July 2019

 “Gill”, The Northern Charter, Newcastle, May 2019

Keep breathing, The Northern Charter Open Studios, Newcastle, Dec 2018

Romanian Centenary Celebration, Carnegie Building, Newcastle, Dec 2018

Summer Salon, Islington Arts Factory, London, June 2018 

The Harley Open, Welbeck, Nottinghamshire, June-August 2017  

Fragile Memory - MFA Summer Exhibition, Newcastle University, Newcastle, Aug- Sept 2011

Kielder Off Site, XL Gallery, Newcastle University, Newcastle, May 2016

Kielder On Site, Kielder Water and Forest Park, Kielder, June 2016

MA and Other Postgraduates 2016, Atkinson Gallery, Millfield School, Somerset, Feb- March 2016   Paradox Exhibition, UP Gallery, Berlin, Nov 2015 

Yes, but is it editable?, XL Gallery, Newcastle University, Newcastle, Nov 2015

Paradox City - Reactivating Central Poznan, Zamek Centre, Poznan, Poland, Sept 2015 

Unfolded Dowry - MFA Summer Exhibition- Newcastle   University, Aug- Sept 2015

Snippet, Long Gallery, Newcastle University, Newcastle, Feb 2015 

The Nottingham Castle Annual Open 2011, Nottingham, Oct- Nov 2011

With Myself in Mind, Crocus Gallery, Nottingham, April 2011

January Journal, Central Library, Nottingham, April 2011 

Culture, Wanderlust, Bonnington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, January 2011

Refugee week, Market Square, Nottingham, June 2010  

Breaking Borders, Polish Centre, Nottingham, July 2010 


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